Thursday, July 19, 2012

DIY Magnetic Board

I have been looking for a way to organize my unbelievably long to-do lists . . . I find that if I am forced to see them everyday then I am more likely to work towards completing them. I was originally thinking of making a cork board for above my sewing desk but since my work-station is located in our living room we figured that thumb tacks would not be a great idea in the same room that our little guy plays in everyday. That's when we decided that a magnetic board would be perfect.

I came across this great frame at the thrift store for $1.99. It was perfect since I wanted the board to appear to be a piece of art on the wall (I am all about my workstation blending in to it's surroundings).

Step one was to remove all of the hardware and the insert that someone had already put into the frame. I then spray painted the frame and followed it up with a coat of varnish. My husband then cut some metal that we had from some heat duct work he had done. I hot glued it to some foam board that I bought at the dollar store. I then stretched my fabric as taught as I could around the piece and glued it all into place.

Then I glued it all into the frame. Keeping in mind that you can never be too safe, I reinforced the back with some packaging tape. We will see how well this all keeps in place! :)

I then attached ribbon to the frame with screws as well as a hanging bracket (there wasn't any hanging material on the frame when I bought it). I made some lace flower magnets and my new board was ready for business!

An easy way to create the perfect magnetic board that is as stylish as it is functional!

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